Wu-Tang Clan

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But still, if one of their men is so ferocious
Don't worry about it
A disciple
I'm well aware my kung-fu is unbeatable
Brother, we're trapped

That's when my heart turned cold
I'm a product of the block
We used to cook the product in the pot
Add soda to turn the product into rock
It's in my DNA, you see it started with my pops
In his hayday he probably put your father in a box
In my hayday, I probably put the product in my sock
Ain't no vacay, the props become a problem when it's hot
Mayday mayday, but no charge, I'm nutty with the bars
That's a payday so bruh, this ain't even a bar
This is AA, back up in the trunk with tha AK
Each line pack a Fabolous punch, no diss to Ray J
Nah, see I don't dab and I don't nae nae
Got bottles coming out, warriors come out and play ayy
Just know I'm grade A, get a slice of bread
Okay, some hoods love me, some would like me dead
Okay, my goon hungry, his eyes is red
But he clumsy, go whoops upside your head

We had dro' and po', suckers
Range Rovers flood up the rucker
Me and thousand chains on, I got put up on
Evergreen baggies, selling capsules, running in classrooms
Slick bastards get C.R.E.A.M, yelling cash rule
Smile like Pacquiao, but under the leather
Hold a MAC with no pump and [one-note?] the Grammy hour
Cold chemists taste the flow
It's numb meets copper rum, blunting off the get back
Salute me then one, I'm out
Off to the races, my blazers ain't patient
They want to spray shit, get elephant blow [?]
Jammies carry nitrogen, light up a section
Like I'm on Vicodin
Fuck with the righteous men, and we fighting 'em
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the rebels is here
Metals and gear, getting fried off the medical, that's incredible
The fliest, the most notorious bias, half of those lairs
Off niggas heads like papayas

Before I parley, Red lighting the Bob Marley
So I can cypher God bodies from the John Gotti's
Everybody a boss, saying they time's money
Women injections, leave 'em with odd bodies
Babies having babies, wearing Old Navy
Robbin' old ladies, that's a product of no home training
I show you the ropes, I'm narrating Al Haymon
I told Lighty, if I hate him, I'ma violate him
I'm not a shooter, but I know shooters
And if them shooters don't shoot up
I'll go suit up, Redman and the W, it's televised
We ain't them niggas
Media telling hell of lies (fuck you)
This a campfire of a vampire
I don't sleep, but have a feast through the amplifier
And every nigga got something to say
I'm like, yeah okay, y'all corny anyway, Doc

People say
Love is just a energy
Dealing with the claim baby
(Oh baby)

My-my-my team hard, making 'em lean hard
You see more riders lined up, then you see at a theme park
My queen hot, making the scene pop
Routine op, online gangstas, I'm giving them screenshots
Hard writing lyrics to God, right?
Twisting the tale, sick as Hell Christian Bale from the Dark Knight
On sight, fogging your fog lights, your dog's like
Swayze at the Road House, down for the bar fight
Like this, like an IG pic
Before the Seahawks twenty-four
Lord, I been on that bee shit
Pussy you wack, something like a cheap trick
Mike in the Billy Jean vid I got the streets lit
Shining star, find another you gon' find it hard
Certain death, Deck'll walk off with minor scars
Defying the squad, defying the odds
And the flow solitary just me behind the bars

Sparks up the bullet-proof, game face intensity
Applying ingenuity, Tec criminology
Sharp mathematically
Certified, recognized by every eye world wide
Back to the streets of the do or die hustler
I understand politics consistent, never quits
Superstar, write hits
Come have a listen y'all
Getting money flipping it
Scripting it, record it, fans then applaud it
Ship a hundred mil', they bought and took a snort of it
Quotes like heroin coke mixed with dope
Have a overdose cardiac, Allah spin the beat back
Watch the magnetic attract 'em club pack em
They stiff 'cause their wisdom was stripped when I attacking 'em

People say
Love is just a energy
Dealing with the claim baby
(Oh baby)

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Named after a cult martial arts film, the collective of nine New York rappers known together as Wu-Tang Clan became one of the most influential hip-hop groups ever following the release of debut album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) in 1993. 36 Chambers was so well-received that it launched each member into solo careers, which have also spawned several more acclaimed albums. The extent of Wu-Tang's success, derived from this one breakthrough album, marks out 36 Chambers as one of the most important albums in the history of hip-hop.

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