Les Miserables

Paroles Master of the house Les Miserables


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Master of the house

Come on you old pest

Fetch a bottle of your best

What's the nectar of the day?

(Thenardier enters with a flask of wine)

Here, try this lot
Guaranteed to hit the spot
Or I'm not Thenardier

Gissa glass a rum
Landlord, over here!

Right away, you scum (to himself)
Right away, m'sieur (to customer)

God this place has gone to hell

So you tell me every year

Mine host Thenardier
He was there so they say,
At the field of Waterloo

Got there, it's true
When the fight was all through

But he knew just what to do
Crawling through the mud
So I've heard it said
Picking through the pockets
Of the English dead

He made a tidy score
From the spoils of war

My band of soaks
My den of dissolutes
My dirty jokes, my always pissed as newts.
My sons of whores
Spent their lives in my inn
Homing pigeons homing in
They fly through my doors
And their money's as good as yours

Ain't got a clue
What he put in this stew
Must have scraped it off the street

God what a wine!
Chateau Neuf de Turpentine
Must have pressed it with his feet

Landlord over here!
Where's the bloody man?
One more for the road!
Thenardier, one more slug o' gin.

Just one more, or my old man is gonna do me in.

(Thenardier greets a new customer)

Welcome, M'sieur
Sit yourself down
And meet the best
Innkeeper in town
As for the rest,
All of 'em crooks
Rooking their guests
And cooking the books.
Seldom do you see
Honest men like me
A gent of good intent
Who's content to be

Master of the house
Doling out the charm
Ready with a handshake
And an open palm
Tells a saucy tale
Makes a little stir
Customers appreciate a bon-viveur
Glad to do a friend a favor
Doesn't cost me to be nice
But nothing gets you nothing
Everything has got a little price!

Master of the house
Keeper of the zoo
Ready to relieve 'em
Of a sou or two
Watering the wine
Making up the weight
Pickin' up their knick-knacks
When they can't see straight
Everybody loves a landlord
Everybody's bosom friend
I do whatever pleases
Jesus! Won't I bleed 'em in the end!

Master of the house
Quick to catch yer eye
Never wants a passerby
To pass him by
Servant to the poor
Butler to the great
Comforter, philosopher,
And lifelong mate!
Everybody's boon companion
Everybody's chaperone

But lock up your valises
Jesus! Won't I skin you to the bone!

(To another new customer)

Enter M'sieur
Lay down your load
Unlace your boots
And rest from the road

(Taking his bag)

This weighs a ton
Travel's a curse
But here we strive
To lighten your purse
Here the goose is cooked
Here the fat is fried
And nothing's overlooked
Till I'm satisfied...

Food beyond compare
Food beyond belief
Mix it in a mincer
And pretend it's beef
Kidney of a horse
Liver of a cat
Filling up the sausages
With this and that

Residents are more than welcome
Bridal suite is occupied
Reasonable charges
Plus some little extras on the side!

Charge 'em for the lice
Extra for the mice
Two percent for looking in the mirror twice
Here a little slice
There a little cut
Three percent for sleeping with the window shut
When it comes to fixing prices
There are a lot of tricks he knows
How it all increases
All those bits and pieces
Jesus! It's amazing how it grows!

Master of the house
Quick to catch yer eye
Never wants a passerby
To pass him by
Servant to the poor
Butler to the great
Comforter, philosopher,
And lifelong mate!
Everybody's boon companion
Gives 'em everything he's got

Dirty bunch of geezers
Jesus! What a sorry little lot!

I used to dream
That I would meet a prince
But God Almighty,
Have you seen what's happened since?
`Master of the house?'
Isn't worth me spit!
`Comforter, philosopher'
- and lifelong shit!
Cunning little brain
Regular Voltaire
Thinks he's quite a lover
But there's not much there
What a cruel trick of nature
Landed me with such a louse
God knows how I've lasted
Living with this bastard in the house!

Master of the house.

Master and a half!

Comforter, philosopher

Ah, don't make me laugh!

Servant to the poor. Butler to the great.

Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!

Everybody bless the landlord!
Everybody bless his spouse!

Everybody raise a glass

Raise it up the master's arse.

Everybody raise a glass to the master of the house!

Merci parce que vous corrigez ce texte

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