Jaden Smith

Paroles Offering Jaden Smith


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[Verse 1: Jaden Smith]
What's a heart broken?
You see her and you start choking
A dark open room, will Tony Stark open the door?
Hoping, he'll take you out of this mess
Ain't no way that you gon live another day with this stress, but god bless
You walk and talkin and you got flesh, you so fresh
You heal the world with singular steps, I got next
I don't need to talk to my reps
My Star Trek's lastin forever, I'm breathing like the weather
Me and you together, these are bonds I'd never severe
I am James Bond, what's going on? It's very clever
Top secret, drug bust, the cops keep it
The streets weepin, and the ones at the top see it
Grey cement, tree saps seeping the baby teeth in
That's the city on the weekend - screw the planet, leave it
Interstellar, before I was into Stella
Into hella Odd Future videos before I had a Vimeo
Four hours in the city with my bros, wearing silly clothes
This how the story goes
You know I'm gonna tell you all the truth
That's why we inspire the youth, that's why it's so important
That's why I said no to those endorsements
That's why I let my friends buy the Porsches cause people at our doors hiding out in Trojan horses
That's why we got these torches, last thing I want is corpses
But the thing that really bothers me is when these Corvettes pull up to my doorstep and tell me something corporate about my dang foreskin
Man, shut up
My family's not a circus, I told my dad to move the whole tribe down to Europe
Where there's less Siri and a little more syrup
Maybe the doctors there don't know how to cure us
Maybe they are less serious
Maybe they're different, maybe they don't think we're delirious
We'll be close to the pyramids, we'll make a stop at Giza
Until they say we need you to renew all of your visas
?Wait dad, you told me we were born on planet Earth'
My dad said, "To beat the system, understand it first"
My dad's an inspiration, I respect the man at work
And everything you say is something that you can't reverse
Something that you can't rehearse, someone that you can't converse with
Like your clean pressure, mess it up, wasn't on purpose
I am a rhythm surgeon, sorry I am insurgent
Divergent, Zoë get on the phone, it's urgent
No furnishing in the crib, just burning my fists
Tryna figure out what life is, I didn't write this
How do you like my high kick, pass me the ball, I'll spike it
Really likin this nitrous oxide, give it to me until i'm cockeyed
Got my spinach now I'm feelin like I'm Popeye, or Pappy
I don't know, get at me, I'm outro

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
And shout out to my? shouts out
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh

[Verse 2: Jaden Smith]
Renegade, never been afraid, sippin lemonade
Flew to France, sip in different ways, serendipi-tay
Do you ever struggle with your enemies?
Tryna conjure energies, tryna lay a finger on my inner chi, prana
Say what you wanna, I'm onto the next
I'm a new male Madonna, you too worried bout them checks
Can't keep a shirt on em in the zone of flex
But what about respect? I'm just too busy to check
Lex Luthor, Kama Sutra
Come on, I don't care, leave that stuff to Obama
Screw yo commas, let my sentence run on
C02 emitting until our damn sun's gone
Now who's your number one, huh?
Aye, who's your number one, huh?
Aye, who ya number one, huh?
Who's your number two? Ditto, spit you the truth for real though
Tooth fairy under your pillow, camarillo
I don't listen to you, I listen to Willow
The ether come out ya speakers, you got a problem?
Speak up, before the teacher leave ya
Red pants dancing with the devil won't repeat the
Last century, evolution probably mention me
Penitentiaries, they filling up, that's why they killing us
Probably see the flaws in the matrix if you real enough
Tried to keep it basic but the doctor's always pilling us
You even know what penicillin does?
Me either, I am the beat eater
Peeta from Hunger Games here to bring the funk again
Jaden's alter ego probably jumping in
If it's fine with you, we rendez-vous at 10
Walk up to ya crib with condoms in my hand
Man we chilling with the kids, they cause some problems in the sand
And all because I told them God was not a man
I love you so I'll probably carve it in my hand
The cycle's over, won't restart it once again, won't restart it
Beat cold, flow, it's so retarded
Burning coal just to gain control, homie I got it
Young prophet, come out of pocket
Just to see the geo-engineering stop it, we are boycotting it
Went from picking cotton to be poppin on the rocketship
And now we got the magic and we frickin Harry Potter on these jokers
And whatever you be droppin, I ain't coppin it
Cause I'm tryna make sure that my kids will have some oxygen
When they land, you guys won't understand
'Daddy, could we fly?' I never could but you probably can
And you guys are outta hand, just look at what's in your hands
Saving the world is my obligation, it's not a plan
But I'll do what I can
And I hope I don't die from a lie before I can get y'all to understand
And ride out to this man

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