Wu-Tang Clan

Paroles Wolves Wu-Tang Clan


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(feat. George Clinton)

George Clinton
A fox hes got a fox.
Mr. Wolf, hes the guy
Who ran the woods and ate Grandma
But a dog is a dog is a dog is a dog
Unlike the wolf, who made a widower of Grandma

Must I flex my cash, to sex your ass
I wet the ave, when I set my path
The vette' dont crash I'm built to long last
Grab my money clip I hit the bong fast
Earn my respect, my checks they better cash
Finger on the trigger wit my nigga Fred Glass
Knuckles is brass, start snuffin you fast
Jumpin outta cabs, grabbin money bags
Next shot go right through your hover craft
You do the math my answer tounge slash
When will ya learn its the return of Shaft
The genuine thriller, the Miller DraftMy force might blur, the Porsche will purr
The apple martini of course its stirred
Ill do the honor, the Shaolin bomber, sharpskin armor, Ill bring the drama

Chorus (1x)
George Clinton
A fox hes got a fox.
Mr. Wolf, hes the guy
Who ran the woods and ate Grandma
But a dog is a dog is a dog is a dog
Unlike the wolf, who made a widower of Grandma

Verse 2
Method Man

Damn, deficatin on the map, Wu-Tang takin it back, no fakin in the rap
How real is that, you niggas hatin on the fact, that the kid is blazin on this track and hatin on em back
My doe stacked up wit O's, who the mack duckin po po's blowin smoke goes in the 'Lac
To be exact, don't want no hassle wit the stack, in the big apple, we aint ridin apples in the back, yea, its all grillin, how the f**k ya'll feelin, non-stop park killin, on the block we was killin em
The arch villans, when the blood start spillin, any stuck start squealin, body bags we was fillin em
Yea, now I got it in the smash, a ounce ya man wanted and a llama in the dash
Me and my comrades followin the cash, and livin everyday like tomorrow is the last

Chorus (1x)
A fox hes got a fox.
Mr. Wolf, hes the guy
Who ran the woods and ate Grandma
But a dog is a dog is a dog is a dog
Unlike the wolf, who made a widower of Grandma

George Clinton
I'm like the savior dog to ya baby when your lost down in the snow
Like a coyote out in the desert
When the first will never go, and the wolf, they never go

Verse 3

Would you recognize a jewel for what it is when you see it
Or would you take it for somethin else and get toed the f**k up
Men come together for the common cause
To beat your xxx just because
Theres a line he dont cross offending the boss
While of course his one selecting through your head shot
I'm back in the yard again the bars callin
15 sets of this will have you swollen
Ladies like "damn papa you lookin right, i'd love to give you some of this xxxxx and ima dike"
I write when the energy's right and spark friction
DJ cuttin it spinnin it back mixin
Great pop knock tickin, poetry description, for the motion picture reanactment, activate a higher assassian keep it classic
Rap evolution every black yo pass that

Chorus (1x)
George Clinton

George Clinton
A fox hes got a fox.
Mr. Wolf, hes the guy
Who ran the woods and ate Grandma
But a dog is a dog is a dog is a dog
Unlike the wolf, who made a widower of Grandma

George Clinton
I'm like the savior dog to ya baby when your lost down in the snow
Like a coyote out in the desert
When the first will never go, and the wolf, they never go

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Named after a cult martial arts film, the collective of nine New York rappers known together as Wu-Tang Clan became one of the most influential hip-hop groups ever following the release of debut album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) in 1993. 36 Chambers was so well-received that it launched each member into solo careers, which have also spawned several more acclaimed albums. The extent of Wu-Tang's success, derived from this one breakthrough album, marks out 36 Chambers as one of the most important albums in the history of hip-hop.

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